Interaction 19
4-10 February 2019
Seattle, WA
United States

Reshaping the city — Democratisation through experiments

talk – 35 min | Feb 7 – 14:00

The challenges and opportunities in designing a service that allows citizens to experiment as part of city digital transformation.

The digitisation of our cities is an opportunity to re-shape them into democratic places. Urban infrastructures are evolving from being black-boxes into entities that create valuable data. In that transformation, the current hype around co-creation (co-production, participatory design, co-design, …) is an opportunity to involve people as citizens, rather than as consumers. We have the potential to make the city more legible, transparent and accountable.

This talk will share honest learnings from designing a service for experimentation with urban data across the UK, Denmark and Spain.

About the speaker

Belen Palacios

Belen Palacios

Belen is a concept designer based in London working at Future Cities Catapult. Her practice focuses on shaping insights into prototypes to solve urban challenges. She’s obsessed with figuring out how to connects things, people, organisations, services and cities. Largest connected design: a service for experimentation with urban data. Largest disconnected design: a 5-metre-high treehouse.


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