Rencontrez des personnes géniales… D’autres sont à venir !
On parle English.
La conférence et les ateliers se déroulent uniquement en anglais.
Nicolas Nova
Nicolas Nova is co-founder of Near Future Laboratory and Associate Professor at HEAD. His work lies at the intersection of ethnography, interaction design, and future research — with a particular interest in observing practices and creating design fictions.
Haiyan Zhang
Haiyan Zhang is a designer, engineer, and maker that pushes the boundaries of technology to transform people’s lives for the better. She co-founded OpenIDEO, and today she’s Innovation Director at Microsoft Research. Have you seen Project Emma?
Kenya Hara
Kenya Hara’s work across design, exhibitions, talks and books, goes beyond western simplicity to explore emptiness as a space of possibilities to be filled. This approach can be found in both his work with MUJI and with the Hara Design Institute.
Leyla Acaroglu
Leyla Acaroglu is a New York based Australian designer, social scientist, sustainability provocateur and entrepreneur. She has been championing systemic life cycle design transformation as a key for sustainable future.
Anab Jain
Anab Jain imagines the future for living with her vanguard laboratory, design and film studio Superflux. She inspires and challenges us to look critically at decisions and choices we make, showing us how design can drive powerful insights.
Alan Cooper
“Father of Visual Basic”, author and co-founder of Cooper, he has dedicated decades to the crossroad of design and development, humanizing technology through his groundbreaking work in software design.
Tous les intervenants